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Tasia Blough

Tasia’s love affair with the ocean began in the rocky tide pools of Cape May, Massachusetts. She began exploring the marine research community as an undergrad during a semester on a schooner at sea with Sea Education Association. After graduating, she examined the fluid mechanics and biokinematics of jellyfish propulsion in labs at Roger Williams University and Woods Hole’s Marine Biological Laboratory. She spent five years as a Naturalist and Researcher at the New England Aquarium Whale Watch where she focused on entanglement and vessel strikes of large whales in Massachusetts Bay. Before moving to Cape Cod in 2018, she worked with NOAA’s Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary where she coordinated data collection and directed collaborative research cruises with top universities and institutions. She has since expanded her focus to regional issues of environmental stewardship, community engagement, and diversity in leadership, taking active roles in workshops, forums, and gatherings that empower others and bring these important issues to light. Tasia is founding President of Sipson Island Trust. She is an active photographer, birder, and gardener and lives in Brewster.

Tasia Blough
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