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Kari Hoffman

Kari Hoffmann is proud to be a member of the Friends of Pleasant Bay Board of Directors and also a member of the Nauset Regional School Committee. She has previously served on the Brewster Select Board, Planning Board and the Brewster Vision Planning Committee helping to develop the 2018 Brewster Vision Plan and Brewster’s Local Comprehensive Plan. Earning a BS in education, a master’s degree in family studies, and a CAGsin school counseling and psychology, Kari worked in the public and private sector as a teacher, school counselor, and special education team leader. She worked with parents and school officials to provide educational services for students with unique learning needs. Kari and her husband, Richard, retired Superintendent of the Nauset Regional School District, have been home owners on the Cape since 2004, moving here permanently in 2009.Kari was a regular Cape visitor since the 1960s.Richard and Kari are the parents of two children, now grown. Their son lives on the Cape and their daughter and her husband, a U.S. Army veteran, live off Cape with their three daughters. Kari enjoys sailing with Pleasant Bay Community Boating, kayaking in salt and fresh waters of the Cape, shell-fishing and hiking. She is dedicated to community service, working collaboratively with stakeholders to preserve all that is special about Cape Cod.

Kari Hoffman
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