Pat Hughes
Trained as a marine biologist, Pat worked on research projects ranging from determining the productivity of Narragansett Bay, raising bay scallops in captivity and examining the feasibility of raising the American lobster in captivity. Most of her work career focused on marine policy- integrating science into coastal and marine resource management planning and decisions. She worked for the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program for 17 years on several projects, including developing Massachusetts’ policy on outer continental shelf (OCS) mineral activities and a framework for a Massachusetts ocean management plan. She retired from the Center for Coastal Studies’ as marine policy director where she was the project manager of, and contributor to “Below the Surface of the Bay,” the interdisciplinary, multi-scale ecosystem assessment of Pleasant Bay, funded by the Friends of Pleasant Bay.
Pat Hughes has been a resident of Brewster since 1983. Active in local government, she served two terms on the Brewster Select Board and on the Brewster Planning Board. Pat also chaired the Town’s Coastal Committee which developed Brewster’s first Coastal Resource Management Plan and served on the Natural Resources Advisory Committee.